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Inline Duct Fans

Inline Duct Fans

 Domestic Fans for bathroom, kitchen and whole house applications. The inline fans section also has fans suitable for bathroom applications if a quieter solution using longer duct runs is required


Commercial Fans

Commercial Fans

Commercial fans are essential for good ventilation and airflow in a multitude of buildings. Whether for kitchen areas, or public bathrooms, increased ventilation is will allow excess moisture to escape and help to maintain the quality of the building.

If you are looking to replace a faulty extractor fan, but don’t know what specification you are looking for, the team at Ducting Online can help.

We provide a full range of commercial fans, including timed extractor fans, and silent incline fans. We have a comprehensive range to browse on our site, bu tif you need any assistance or advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Commercial Fans suitable for commercial kitchen extraction or industrial use. This is just a sample of the commercial fans we keep in stock. The plate axial fans are very popular as are the cased axial. Please ask if you have a specific need as the variety can be daunting. We can normally source modern equivalents and replacements for old and rusty units.

Commercial kitchen fans have their own requirements and selection is dependant on the hood, filters and duct length.

Industrial Fans

Industrial Fans

At Ducting online,we supply a wide range of quality, hightemperature and industrialfans for multiple sector usage, suitable within workshops, restaurants, warehousesand large commercial spaces.

Our industrialfans are equipped with the latest technology in order to meet yourindividual business requirements, whatever your premises. They work to extractmoisture, smoke and hot air on an industrial scale, promoting improvedventilation and air flow.

Whether you need to replace your faulty industrial fan, oryou are looking for a new solution for improved ventilation for a range ofenvironments, give our team a call with your requirements and we will be ableto offer advise accordingly.

A small selection of our industrial fans for use in factories and various industrial processes. Most of this range are made to order although some popular varieties may be in available immediately. A much wider range of industrial fans and all single phase varieties can be found in the commercial fans section.Please contact us if you have a specific need.

Kitchen Fans

Kitchen Fans

All types of kitchen fans
Fan Accessories

Fan Accessories

All your fan spares are available here.
Heat Recovery

Heat Recovery

Our heatrecovery systems work to reduce the level of condensation, promote goodventilation and reduce the likelihood of mould growth. Our ventilators both supplyand extract air, managing humidity levels, and provide optimum indoor airquality with little if any heat loss.

These systems are a great choice for your home to ensurethat you and your family are breathing high-quality, filtered air, and extractthe stale air. Heatrecovery ventilators are also beneficial if you are trying to make yourhome more energy efficient.

To find out more about heat recovery ventilation, please get in touch,a member of our team will be able to assist you according to your requirements.

Heat recovery units re-cycle the heat that normally gets extracted. Essential for new builds but can also be retro-fitted.
Ruck Fans

Ruck Fans

Just Testing
Grilles, Louvres & Air Valves

Grilles, Louvres & Air Valves

Air Extract Valves Metal, Air Supply Valves Metal, Supply/Extract Plastic, Extract/Supply Stainless Steel 
Soler & Palau

Soler & Palau

The TD Mixvent series of in line duct fans have been specially designed to maximize the airflow performance with minimal noise levels within the smallest and most compact of housing sizes.